Like Cops in Fergson, America Must Police the World - Breitbart retelling Bret Stephens | Mike Nova comments: "The history of the world is essentially the history of conflicts, wars and evolution of the types of warfare, which are determined by the evolution of the types of weaponry."
Like Cops in Fergson, America Must Police the World Thursday November 27 th , 2014 at 12:19 PM Breitbart Feed 1 Share In his new book America in Retreat: The New Isolationism and the Coming Global Disorder (Sentinal, $32.95), Wall Street Journal columnist and Pulitzer winner Bret Stephens makes a timely analogy between the broken windows policing theory and Pax Americana , or what I like to call Peace through Strength . As we watch radicals, malcontents, provocateurs, and looters tear up Ferguson, Missouri, Stephens provides a timely reminder that more than a few places in the world need the same sort of adult supervision that the police and the National Guard are attempting to provide to the citizens in that unfortunate Missouri town. George Kelling, a criminologist at Rutgers, and James Q. Wilson, a Harvard Political Scientist, published a piece in 1982 on crime in The Atlantic Monthly whi...