
"Cherry, Cherry Ladies": the Russian Army Choir released a cover version... "Modern Talking"... M.N.: I am spit-sh-less... No further comments...

Modern Talking - Cheri, Cheri Lady lyrics (Cover) - YouTube Friday December 5 th , 2014  at  5:12 PM 1 Share Published on May 26, 2012 Modern Talking - Cheri, Cheri Lady I do not own the Song! Als Karaoke-Version für unsere Lehrer auf unserer Abschlussfeier gedacht. Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet, darf sie behalten. Music "Cheri, Cheri Lady" by  Neoton Família  ( iTunes ) Category Music 'Polite but formidable': Russian Army choir sings 'Modern Talking' - YouTube Friday December 5 th , 2014  at  5:05 PM 1 Share Published on Dec 5, 2014 To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the band Modern Talking, the Russian Army Choir released a cover version of the duo's song 'Cheri Cheri Lady' in St. Petersburg Thursday. The military choir also congratulated the German synthpop duo, who were popular in the Soviet Union during the 1980s, with a rendition of 'Happ...

M.N. comments: It looks like Mr. Putin extends his hand and offers the alliance to the members of the criminal (under) world who robbed Russia blind in the days of "prikhvatization"

M.N. comments: It looks like Mr. Putin extends his hand and offers the alliance to the members of the criminal (under) world who robbed Russia blind in the days of "prikhvatization" and who keep their criminal fortunes in the "off shore" institutions: "Все мы понимаем, что происхождение денег разное, по-разному они заработаны и получены." He offered them (as a proper "Godfather") his protection, his "krysha" ("roof") and "complete" ("полная амнистия") immunity from any fiscal and criminal prosecution if they return their money to Russia and keep them there, safe from the possible "freezes" and Western sanctions. I think that this might imply the further deepening of Russia's "moral black hole" and further criminalization of Russian society and power structures (even if they appear to be criminalized to the tilt now). This is not very surprising: the criminals were always a "clo...

M.N. comments: The Russian "law" - ban on "homosexual propaganda" is discriminatory and legally illiterate in its essence: it presumes that "homosexual propaganda" is harmful to children while "heterosexual propaganda" is not.

M.N. comments:  The Russian "law" - ban on "homosexual propaganda" is discriminatory and legally illiterate in its essence: it presumes that "homosexual propaganda" is harmful to children while "heterosexual propaganda" is not. There is no scientific evidence that gay life style and pedophilia are related, this is "anti-homosexual propaganda". The evidence from scientific studies is that pedophiles experience sexual attraction to children regardless of their gender, that pedophilia is a pathology, a disease of its own, and probably (the hard figures are difficult to get) the majority of sexual offences against children are heterosexual. It would be much more logical (from legal, social and other points of view) to repeal this notorious non-law and introduce much broader regulation that would make more sense: about the protection of children from sexual predators in general and about sexual education. If children are properly and tim...