
Window on Eurasia - Paul Goble: "Exodus of Russian Citizens from Russia, Already Massive, Likely to Grow; Putin Supports Ukraine’s Territorial Integrity as a Rope Supports a Hanging Man" | Ukraine LiveBlog Day 293: 1,252 Ukrainian Soldiers Have Died in Combat Since April; 3,000 Wounded

Window on Eurasia -- New Series Window on Eurasia: Exodus of Russian Citizens from Russia, Already Massive, Likely to Grow Today, December 8th 9:17am ·   paul goble ( Shared by  1  person Paul Goble:   " The number thinking about leaving is certainly large if polls are to be believed, and they are disproportionately concentrated among the most educated and well-off members of Russian society, people that no country interested in modernization can easily afford to lose. Their loss is thus an indictment of the regime."  The Interpreter Putin Supports Ukraine’s Territorial Integrity as a Rope Supports a Hanging Man Today, December 8th 8:36am ·   Paul Goble · ukraine window on eurasia control breakaway territories donbass moscow propaganda theme pressure on western governments putin as peacemaker putin's lies putin's position on ukraine restirction of movement...