
Kerry: Russia Engaged in 'Brazen and Cynical' Behavior in Ukraine | Kerry Says U.S. Considering Extra Sanctions On Russia | Путин проиграл, остается обосновать его отставку - inoСМИ.Ru

Russia's Vladimir Putin Is Signing Deals With More Separatist Regions - Saturday February 21 st , 2015  at  5:04 PM Putin - Google News 1 Share Russia's Vladimir  Putin  Is Signing Deals With More Separatist Regions KIEV, Ukraine — As the world watches Moscow-backed separatists win control of more land in Ukraine, critics fear Russian President Vladimir  Putin  is quietly grasping for new territory elsewhere. This time, he's apparently eyeing Abkhazia and South  ... and more » Is Vladimir Putin hiding a $200 billion fortune? (And if so, does it matter?) - Washington Post (blog) Saturday February 21 st , 2015  at  5:04 PM Putin - Google News 1 Share Washington Post (blog) Is Vladimir  Putin  hiding a $200 billion fortune? (And if so, does it matter?) Washington Post (blog) In much of the West, the public...