California's New, Unending Fire Season Takes Toll on Firefighters by (Reuters)
California's New, Unending Fire Season Takes Toll on Firefighters by (Reuters) Thursday September 17 th , 2015 at 8:59 PM Voice Of America 1 Share The damage from California's fast-spreading wildfires is usually expressed in acres destroyed, homes razed or people killed. But for the firefighters, a mental and physical toll is mounting just as fast. Currently in the fourth year of a devastating drought, California has seen 1,500 more blazes this year than last. And those on the front lines struggling against the walls of flame are wondering when, if ever, work will return to normal. "I have no idea when I'm going... 'Islamist' Fatally Shot After Knife Attack on German Policewoman by (VOA News) Thursday September 17 th , 2015 at 8:59 PM Voice Of America 1 Share German police have shot dead an Iraqi man who had wounded a policewoman...