President Obama Talks About Russia's Actions in Syria
President Obama Talks About Russia's Actions in Syria Friday October 2 nd , 2015 at 6:16 PM Voice Of America 1 Share During his Oct. 2 press conference, President Obama said Russia 'had to go into Syria, not out of strength but out of weakness.' President Obama Talks About Russia's Actions in Syria by VOAvideo Friday October 2 nd , 2015 at 6:16 PM VOAvideo's YouTube Videos 1 Share From: VOAvideo Duration: 00:47 During his Oct. 2 press conference, President Obama said Russia 'had to go into Syria, not out of strength but out of weakness.' Originally published at - White House calls for investigation into civilian deaths in Yemen Friday October 2 nd , 2015 at 6:15 PM Reuters: World News 1 Share WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Wh...