
Officials: Obama, Lawmakers Impede Intel Agencies in Terrorism Fight - Washington Free Beacon | FBI chief is wild card for Clinton | TheHill | Obama skeptical Putin will shift focus to fighting ISIL in Syria – POLITICO | What the Russo-Turkish incident could mean for Russia - Le Monde diplomatique - 12:17 PM 12/1/2015

Вопрос   (как переведено) :  Господин Президент , хотела спросить, почему Вы не прибыли на конференцию к её открытию, почему Вы не приняли участие в минуте молчания по жертвам терактов в Париже и не участвовали в групповом фотографировании? В.Путин:  Вы знаете, это чисто технический вопрос. What the Russo-Turkish incident could mean for Russia - Le Monde diplomatique :  Finally, the brief armed confrontation — whether it took place in Turkish or Syrian skies — is a further blow to the position of Russia’s remaining friends and allies in the West. This incident with a NATO member further reduces trust in Russia and supports Angela Merkel’s earlier observation that Putin lives in a parallel world. The Russian president appears more and more as what Germans call  unberechenbar  (unpredictable or erratic) — for the once relatively pro-Russian Germans a particularly damning characteristic. Russia is inv...