The voters need answers about the Clinton emails - The Washington Post Editorial
The voters need answers about the Clinton emails - The Washington Post EDITORIAL: The voters need answers on Clinton - News criticism of clinton fbi investigation - Google Search criticism of fbi investigation of hillary clinton - Google Search criticism of fbi investigation of hillary clinton as political - Google Search The voters need answers about the Clinton emails Tuesday February 9 th , 2016 at 3:39 PM 1 Share Hillary Clinton in 2015. (Nicholas Kamm/Agencye France-Presse/Getty Images) WAS HILLARY CLINTON, as secretary of state, careless with classified information that could bring harm to intelligence sources or otherwise benefit U.S. adversaries, or is she being slammed by her partisan opponents over action that was not criminal and may have simply reflected a lapse in judgment? The fog was only deepened by the recent announcement that “top secret” information was found in seven email cha...