
The Many Times Donald Trump Has Lied About His Mob Connections

The Many Times Donald Trump Has Lied About His Mob Connections Friday September 23 rd , 2016  at  9:27 AM MoJo Articles | Mother Jones 1 Share Jonathan Ernst/Reuters via ZUMA Press Last week, media coverage of Donald Trump may have hit an inflection point, when major news outlets, while covering Trump's latest birther shenanigans, characterized the GOP presidential nominee's remarks as a  lie . Though Trump has  scored more pants-on-fire  false statements than any other candidate in this campaign, mainstream news outlets have struggled over whether and how to use the L-word when reporting on him. With this birther-driven breakthrough in coverage, there now remain plenty of brazenly untrue assertions—deliberate lies or not—uttered by Trump that warrant close examination. One topic ripe for such scrutiny is Trump's associations with organized crime. For years during his business career, Trump worked or associated with prov...