
FBI News Review | FBI and J. Comey - Updates: 10.1.16 - M.N.: The political attack and pressure on the FBI Director continue, mostly with regard to the (practically irrelevant at this point, I think) H. Clinton "email issues", and it looks like this attack comes from Trump himself, or is directed by him. I think that Mr. Comey stood up and defended his decision very well at the Hearing; however, the post-Hearing criticism continues also, most notably from the WSJ. This is an illustration of the pressures and dangers of politicization. So far the FBI withstood them well and it should continue its apolitical and neutral stance.

Updates: FBI and emails - 10.11.16 FBI Director in Roseville for New Field Office Opening | FOX40 Comey and Lynch Should Be Impeached for Whitewashing Clinton’s Crimes | Observer James Comey and Loretta Lynch Should... How FBI’s Sheep Video Game Exposes FOIA Problems | The Daily Dot VIDEO: Have You Seen Joe DiGenova’s Evisceration Of James Comey And The “Fake” Hillary Investigation? | The Hayride Report: FBI Turns Against Director Comey - YouTube FBI - 10.10.16 Articles: Only One Way for the FBI to Regain Its Lost Reputation Inside Comey's Search For Hillary Clinton's Personal Emails | The Daily Caller Arrested contractor may have worked for NSA’s elite cyber spy unit | Another Terrorist, Another Past Connection with the FBI - WhoWhatWhy FBI Version of NY/NJ Bombing Story Sounds Very Familiar - WhoWhatWhy Articles: How (and When) We Entered Cold War II Barack Hussein Obama Is a Terrible Manchurian Candidate - WhoWhatWhy Former FBI ...