
Predictions of trump impeachment | "The two men, both pursuing their ultimate ends of personal power and enrichment at the expense of the ordinary people, are natural allies."

"The two men , both pursuing their ultimate ends of personal power and enrichment at the expense of the ordinary people, are natural allies."  "Obama started his presidency winning the Nobel peace prize, but he ends it deserving some kind of sainthood." Predictions of trump impeachment Professor predicted Trump win, says he will be impeached CNN - 15 hours ago (CNN) The man dubbed " Prediction Professor" for accurately calling almost every presidential election since 1984, including the 2016 election, ... Professor Who Predicted Trump Winning Election Is Now Predicting ... Complex - 3 hours ago Modern-day Nostradamus predicts Donald Trump's impeachment Headlines & Global News - 3 hours ago 'Very good chance' Trump impeached , says professor who predicted ... - 50 minutes ago ' Prediction Professor' Says Trump Will Be Impeached (Photo) Opposing Views - 3 hours ago

Terrorism as the best advertising for the AK-47 (Kalashnikov semi-automatic). And wo da ya sink 'bout zis, Mr. Dyumin? Ah? Good idea? Tell us more. M.N.

Terrorism as the best advertising for the AK-47 (Kalashnikov semi-automatic).  And wo da ya sink  'bout zis , Mr. Dyumin ? Ah? Good idea? Tell us more.   M.N.  Владимир Путин провёл совместное заседание президиума Государственного совета и консультативной комиссии Госсовета, посвящённое мерам по повышению инвестиционной привлекательности субъектов Российской Федерации. 12 ноября 2016 года 16:10 Ярославль SHARE PICTURE +7 Action man Dyumin (above), who was fast tracked into a political career by Putin and appointed governor of Tula region, has been tipped as a potential successor. He personally escorted toppled Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych out of his country after the 2014 revolution, and played a key role in the Russian seizure of Crimea Read more: Fol...

Trump needs to make heads roll at the CIA and FBI | give trump a chance to lead - Goofle Search

Trump needs to make heads roll at the CIA and FBI By Michael Walsh View author archive Get author RSS feed                           Trump needs to think big and build right to reform our infrastructure One of the thorniest questions facing the incoming Trump administration is what to do about America’s increasingly dysfunctional intelligence community, known collectively by its acronym, the IC. Made up of no fewer than 16 different agencies, the IC includes marquee services like the CIA and the National Security Agency, as well as more obscure spook fiefdoms such as Defense Intelligence Agency (serving the military) and the National Reconnaissance Office, which monitors America’s national-security concerns via satellites. In the aftermath of Sept. 11., George W. Bush hastily reorganized the IC, creating the elephantine Department of Homeland Security to abso...