12:01 PM 5/13/2017 - Trump says new FBI director 'possible' by Friday, candidates 'vetted over their lifetime' - Fox News
U.S. National Security and Military News Review Exposing Amber Rudd's lamentable gibberish about cyber security - NOTTINGHAM CITY COUNCIL LOLS (blog) Sat, 13 May 2017 11:35:57 -0400 NOTTINGHAM CITY COUNCIL LOLS (blog) Exposing Amber Rudd's lamentable gibberish about cyber security NOTTINGHAM CITY COUNCIL LOLS (blog) The idea that the aftermath of probably the most humiliating cyber security cock up in history is the time for actually bragging about how wonderful our cyber security measures are is so out-of-touch with reality it would be comical if it weren't so ... and more » Cyber Warfare - Google News: How the NHS and global cyber attack was halted by an 'accidental hero' Brit blogger who refuses to reveal his name - The Sun Sat, 13 May 2017 11:12:04 -0400 The Sun How the NHS and global cyber attack was halted by an 'accidental hero' Brit blogger who refuses to reveal his name The Sun He said the virus worked ...