
JeSuisCharlie: Charlie Hebdo Attack Sparks Online Solidarity - RFERL | #JeSuisCharlie: Social media reacts to Paris attack - YouTube - CNN | Assault differs from any other on western soil, say security experts - FT | We thought it was all over! Orthodox Christians celebrate their Christmas Day by Telegraph Staff | Private Eye editor Ian Hislop responds to Charlie Hebdo attack: 'Very little seems funny today' | FBI Director James Comey says hackers who attacked Sony last month were sloppy, posting directly from a server used exclusively by North Korea. Comey Wednesday urged the intelligence community to declassify information that proves the hackers used servers directly linked to the government in Pyongyang... Comey made the comment Wednesday at a cyber security conference in New York. - VOA | Putin celebrates Orthodox Christmas - YouTube |

JeSuisCharlie: Charlie Hebdo Attack Sparks Online Solidarity Wednesday January 7 th , 2015  at  7:33 PM Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty 1 Share After the violence, hashtags and online solidarity for the victims of a deadly assault on French weekly Charlie Hebdo. Pro-Russian Group Claims Cyber Attack on German Government Websites   by (Reuters) Wednesday January 7 th , 2015  at  5:05 PM Voice Of America 1 Share German government websites, including Chancellor Angela Merkel's page, were hacked on Wednesday in a cyber attack claimed by a group demanding that Berlin sever official ties with the Ukrainian government. The attack, against which counter-measures were taken, had left the sites periodically inaccessible since 10 a.m. (0900 GMT), her spokesman Steffen Seibert said. “Our service provider's data center is under a severe attack that has apparently been caused by a variety of