
Russia Update: Ruble Sinks to Lowest Rate Since 1998 - 03/12/14 13:59 | M.N.: There was a boy, blond and blue-eyed - thus spake the Science: Study Suggests King Richard III was Blond, Blue-eyed Boy

M.N.: There was a boy, blond and blue-eyed - thus spake the Science: King Richard III (last selfie: blond and blue-eyed, as you can see).  Voice of America Study Suggests King Richard III was Blond, Blue-eyed Boy Yesterday, December 2nd 4:42pm · (Reuters) · europe science & technology Shared by  1  person British scientists analyzing 500-year-old bones found under a parking garage say it is now beyond almost any doubt that the remains are of King Richard III, and that studies suggest he had blue eyes and blond hair as a boy. Publishing their latest findings in the journal Nature Communications, researchers from Leicester University also said DNA analysis showed a match between King Richard III and two modern female-line relatives. The remains of Richard — the last English monarch to die in battle — were found by archaeologists under a municipal parking garage in the central English city of Leicester in 2012 and sub

This is their true revanche: В Крыму арестовали имущество 24 украинских банков

В мире – Новости Google В Крыму арестовали имущество 24 украинских банков - Коммерсантъ Today, December 3rd 6:11am · в мире Shared by  1  person РИА Новости В Крыму арестовали имущество 24 украинских банков Коммерсантъ Председатель наблюдательного совета Фонда защиты вкладчиков Андрей Мельников заявил, что фонд требует от украинских банков возврата средств, потраченных на выплату компенсаций. Фонд взял на себя обязанность компенсировать потери жителей Крыма, чьи вклады не ... Имущество 24 украинских банков арестовано в Крыму РИА Новости Украинские банки вынудят распродать свое имущество, чтобы расплатиться с крымскими вкладчиками RegNews Оккупанты в Крыму выплатят вкладчикам 50% их средств Все похожие статьи: 7 » M.N.: Russian generals, who felt sorely been left behind in Russia's "capitalist restoration", hunger for their "rightful war booty": Crimean prime real estate. This is their true revanche. And

Bad-Mannered Russians in the West - by Karen Dawisha (the author of “Putin’s Kleptocracy: Who Owns Russia?”) - NYT

M.N.: These are the signs and examples of the notorious "moral black hole" phenomenon, described with alarm by Ariel Cohen and others several years ago:  "A Moral Black Hole.   The roots of the Russian elite’s discontent lie in imperial nostalgia, phantom pains of autocracy, and questionable morality. The end of communism resulted in a moral black hole—a deep spiritual and identity crisis among the elites. Corruption, alcoholism, and blurred lines between organized crime and authority reflect general alienation, recklessness, and fatalism.  Nations fail, St. Augustine argued, because peoples fail. A healthy society can correct a deficient state, but even the best-designed states will founder if they are based upon a deficient civil society.  This degradation bears directly on Russia’s conduct of its foreign policy. Those who keep calling for an engagement that will eventually transform Russia cannot see that it is the West, not Russia, that is being transformed by thi