
How efficient are FBI entrapment tactics?

M.N.: I have to comment briefly on the previous post: "The known facts from this latest case seem to fit well within a now-familiar FBI pattern whereby the agency does not disrupt planned domestic terror attacks but rather creates them, then publicly praises itself for stopping its own plots." - Latest FBI Claim of Disrupted Terror Plot Deserves Much Scrutiny and Skepticism   Personally, I feel intense and instinctive dislike for one of the more known authors of the cited article: the notorious  Glenn Greenwald ; however, I must say that he makes a point here, which is presented clearly and logically. For me, the questions are, first of all:  How efficient are FBI entrapment tactics?   and How to measure FBI efficiency and performance? I suspect that the entrapment tactics (especially in individual cases) are not very efficient, or not always, or not in majority of cases; in terms of their overall impact (and this might be one of the reasons for the critical,