
"Widespread infiltration of the Ukrainian government, military and security services by Russian agents also contributed to disorganisation and poor performance."

M.N.: The direct transfer of advanced military technology to Ukraine is very risky and unneeded. However the adequate indirect (no transfer of weapons but participation in military planning and operations) assistance from the  neighboring  Eastern European countries (first of all, Poland) under the umbrella of regional alliance ( mini-NATO, in Yatsenyuk term ) might be beneficial to all parties. Essentially, Eastern Ukrainian war is a civil war for both Ukraine and ("Greater") Russia, it might be protracted and unresolved until the advantages, both economic and political, of Western style civil management as opposed to crony capitalism and criminal KGB k leptocracy , demonstrated convincingly, in words and deeds, to the elites and the populace. This might require significant Western investments and commitments, both financial and psychological.  Russian infiltration:  Widespread infiltration of the Ukrainian government, military and security services by Russian agents also