
A letter to my little friend (copy to V.V. Bonaparte)

A letter to my little friend (copy to V.V. Bonaparte) The River Stix  is to your bloody Red Kanawa what Hades is to the enraged juvenile delinquent fire setter animal torturer , Armstrong Creek vermin user-recruiter. Good old military school did not help you much, and your new doctrine will not help you much either. Grow up, already! Jump over your own stinky Kanawa (don't dig in mine). Stay away from Aden and cover you own  Boomber Bottom ! Be a man! Join the platoon with all your sidekicks . Or else: you'll get a haircut , will be demoted to Sisyphus and will play your favorite Barracuda 24/7 in your  solntsevo solarium . Think about it.  Village People - YMCA OFFICIAL Music Video 1978 Uploaded on Sep 22, 2008 Village People - YMCA