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'Star Trek' Actor Leonard Nimoy Dies at 83 by (VOA News) Saturday February 28 th , 2015  at  12:21 PM Voice Of America 1 Share Actor Leonard Nimoy, immortalized as the half-human, half alien  Mr. Spock on  TV's Star Trek,  died in Los Angeles  Friday  at age 83.  Nimoy had been suffering from lung disease, a condition he blamed on smoking. Nimoy was born in Boston, the son of Orthodox Jewish Ukrainian immigrants. His dark features and vaguely oriental appearance made him a frequent choice for offbeat parts. He played countless minor movie and television roles before he was cast as Mr. Spock for Star Trek's 1966 debut.    As half-human, half-alien, Spock was immediately recognizable by his trademark pointed ears. He fought a non-stop war between human emotion and cold alien  logic. His calm demeanor was a foil to the mercurial nature of the ship's  Captain Kirk  as the two men and  their  crew explored new wor