
Thursday, February 19, 2015 The state of disarray and disunion, the legacy of self-defeat and disaster - by Michael Novakhov - Post Reprint

This is a copy of original post  which was  vandalised   by hackers. Thursday, February 19, 2015 The state of disarray and disunion, the legacy of self-defeat and disaster - by Michael Novakhov The state of disarray and disunion ; the  hypocritical, duplicitous ,  impotent  ( including  his inaction on Ukraine ), self-serving  legacy of deceit, defeat and disaster  under the  guise of exercise  of  "soft power" . Mr.  Obama  is more concerned about his  "peacenik"  credentials than about the  true peace ,  security  and  greatness of the country . The  divisions and controversies  are so intense that it is difficult to avoid the impression that the country is moving to the  some type of the civil war , and I would not rule out the deliberate actions of some hostile foreign "invisible hands" behind all this.  He  replays  and  recreates  his own  personal psychological issues ,  traumas  a