
Militant Islam in America | "The Muslim population in this country is not like any other group, for it includes within it a substantial body of people—many times more numerous than the agents of Osama bin Ladin—who share with the suicide hijackers a hatred of the United States and the desire, ultimately, to transform it into a nation living under the strictures of militant Islam. Although not responsible for the atrocities in September, they harbor designs for this country that warrant urgent and serious attention." - The Danger Within: Militant Islam in America - Daniel Pipes | Radical calls for nationwide Sharia law | Radical Imam Calls For The Death of ‘Draw Mohammed’ Contest Creator - YouTube | Lowry: Jihadi censorship comes to America | The Hidden Agenda of Islam Immigration into America | Islam in America | “You find that a lot of the converts going to the Islamic State are girls, girls with problems, girls who have been prostitutes, girls with psychological and behavioral issues, sometimes borderline personalities,” said Marion van San, a senior researcher on foreign fighters at an institute affiliated with Erasmus University in Rotterdam. “Then someone comes along and promises that Allah is going to give them a second chance.” Converts, experts say, also make easier targets. At least some tend to be lost souls searching for answers. For a minority of them, the radical ideology of the Islamic State is providing a heady sense of belonging, structure and a clear set of rules." - From hip-hop to jihad, how the Islamic State became a magnet for converts | "We believe that the Obama administration is actually planing to build communities within communities so that the new immigrants can take over the existing communities. An example of where this has already happened is Dearborn, MI... Are these refugees safe? Ninety percent of these refugees are Muslims. Are they tied to ISIS? We know that recently 400 people have been arrested or investigated because of potential connections to ISIS... President Obama is very sympathetic to Islam and shows great disdain toward Christians. He has done little to stop the slaughter and persecutions of Christians in the Middle East and North Africa. From his actions and statements we can only deduce that Obama has some malice toward Christians here in the US. What better way to dilute the Christian and Jewish elements of our nation than to bring in mass numbers of Muslims through this program?... This shows that there is not going to be any assimilation into the communities where these immigrants are being dumped. We have seen this same thing in Europe and now our government is doing the same thing. Islam has a specific doctrine of jihad which deals with immigration. It says that Muslims are encouraged from the example of Muhammad to migrate, not immigrate, in mass to non-Muslim communities and then populate by having lots of children. They are not allowed to assimilate into the culture. As they grow in numbers they demand more and more accommodation to Islamic ways. They demand that their Shariah law be implemented within the legal system of the host community... We need to understand that we are talking about legal immigration. The illegal immigration is just a smoke screen to keep our eyes off of this legal immigration of Muslims. The total of illegal immigrants coming into America annually is a couple of hundred thousands. The total legal immigrants is just over one million annually... We can certainly say that President Obama has done everything he can to live up to his promise to fundamentally transform America... The freedoms we enjoy in this nation will be lost if we allow this to continue." - The Hidden Agenda of Islam Immigration into America | INTELLIGENCE: Campus Conspiracies From China | Victory Day: Showing Strength at a Time of Weakness - STRATFOR

Impeach Obama NOW! All that's required for this to happen is for enough Republicans in Congress who have not been misled or intimidated by the media, the Democrats, or their own leadership about Obama's treasonable actions — or who are not in denial — to speak out plainly and forcefully in favor of impeachment and removal NOW. The defacing of this post is  " Militant Islam in America "  in action! Militant Islam in America - Google Search Radical Imam Calls For The Death of ‘Draw Mohammed’ Contest Creator   by Saturday May 9 th , 2015  at  1:24 PM Infowars 1 Share Radical calls for nationwide Sharia law. The Hidden Agenda of Islam Immigration into America | Islam in America | US Lowry: Jihadi censorship comes to America Radical Imam Calls For The Death of ‘Draw Mohammed’ Contest Creator - YouTube Radical calls for nationwide Sharia law - Google Searc