
Astronomers Spot a Young Jupiter in Another Solar System

Astronomers Spot a Young Jupiter in Another Solar System by (Reuters) Friday August 14 th , 2015  at  4:27 PM Voice Of America 1 Share Astronomers have taken a photograph of a baby planet beyond the solar system that may reveal clues about how planets such as Jupiter are formed and influence their planetary siblings, a study released Thursday shows. Scientists used the newly commissioned Gemini Planet Imager, which is mounted on top of a telescope in Chile, to find the planet, known as 51 Eridani b. It circles a very young, sunlike star that is located about 96 light-years from Earth. The planet, which is about double... New Audio Message Suggests Closer al Qaida-Taliban Alliance by (Jeff Seldin) Friday August 14 th , 2015  at  4:26 PM Voice Of America 1 Share Al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri appears to have pledged the group’s loyalty to the new leader of the Afgh