
Russia said to redeploy special-ops forces from Ukraine to Syria - Fox News

Russia said to redeploy special-ops forces from Ukraine to Syria - Fox News Saturday October 24 th , 2015  at  11:19 AM Russia - Google News 1 Share Fox News Russia  said to redeploy special-ops forces from Ukraine to Syria Fox News Russia  in late September launched a campaign of airstrikes in support of Mr. Assad's government, and President Vladimir Putin has said  Russian  troops won't play a role in ground combat. But  Russian  military experts and officials say small numbers of ... Russian  airstrikes in Syria welcomed by refugees USA TODAY US and  Russia  Find Common Goals on Syria, if Not on Assad New York Times U.S.,  Russia , Saudi and Turkey mull new Syria transition ideas Military Times CNN all 4,684 news articles » Путин назвал себя голубем с железными крыльями - РБК Saturday October 24 th , 2015  at  11:19 AM В Мире – Новости Google 1 Share РБК Путин назвал себя голубем с желе

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