
Russia's military wants to buy five dolphins for $25000 and no, they don't want to disclose why - Business Insider

Russia's military wants to buy five dolphins for $25000 and no, they don't want to disclose why - Business Insider Friday March 11 th , 2016  at  1:12 PM Russia - Google News 1 Share Business Insider Russia's  military wants to buy five dolphins for $25000 and no, they don't want to disclose why Business Insider The  Russian  Ministry of Defense has announced plans that it is seeking to buy five young and healthy dolphins,  Russian  news sources reported this week. According to the  Russian  media company TASS, the defense ministry is willing to pay upwards of ... Russia  Is Shopping For Dolphins To Turn Into Undersea Commandos Jalopnik The  Russian  military is looking for a few good dolphins The Verge Russia  looks to buy five dolphins with perfect teeth and killer instinct The Guardian Sky News Australia  - TASS all 63 news articles » Is Vladimir Putin's 'lover' Russia's secret weapon in Maria