
Dem: FBI strong-armed former senator on 9/11 pages - TheHill: "The FBI "took a former senator, a former governor, grabbed him in an airport, hustled him into a room with armed force to try to intimidate him into taking different positions on issues of public policy and important national policy..." | Ex-FBI Agent to Plead Guilty to Perjury During Bulger Trial - ABC News | FBI wants cops to recreate evidence because cell tracking tech is too secret - ZDNet | 2 weeks after 8 killed in Ohio, no arrests, few answers | Counteract dangerous Russian disinformation

Counteract dangerous Russian disinformation _________________________________ Dem: FBI strong-armed former senator on 9/11 pages | TheHill Monday May 9 th , 2016  at  1:40 PM 1 Share Home  |  Video  |  In the News The HillTube Dem: FBI strong-armed former senator on 9/11 pages By  The Hill staff  -  05/09/16 12:18 PM EDT Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) is criticizing the Obama administration as having tried to strong-arm a former senator who is pushing to declassify 28 pages of the 9/11 report dealing with Saudi Arabia. He recounted how Rep. Gwen Graham (D-Fla.) and her father, former Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Bob Graham (D-Fla.), were detained by the FBI in 2011 at Dulles International Airport outside Washington. The message from the agents, according to the Grahams, was to quit pushing for declassification of the 28 pages. The FBI "took a former senator, a former governor, grabbed him in a