
Why Trump shouldn’t put all his faith in the dysfunctional CIA Sunday December 18th, 2016 at 5:17 PM Michael Walsh

Why Trump shouldn’t put all his faith in the dysfunctional CIA Sunday December 18 th , 2016  at  5:17 PM Michael Walsh – New York Post 1 Share One of the strongest criticisms leveled against President-elect Donald Trump is his alleged indifference to the work of America’s intelligence community, including his  disinclination to receive daily intel briefings  as he prepares to take office. But it’s off the mark. The top-secret Presidential Daily Briefing — designed and prepared for President Obama by his appointees — is being delivered via iPad as a courtesy to Trump during the transition, and he’s free to read or not: “I get it when I need it,” Trump told Fox News. Never mind that Trump’s not actually president yet, or that Obama treats his briefing exactly the same way. And given the intelligence establishment’s sorry recent history, who can blame Trump? Under such undistinguished chiefs as careerists Mike Morell (2011-2013) and current Dir