
The Russian generals could give some very interesting lectures to the West Point cadets. It could be a good learning experience in military diplomacy - Updated on: 6:16 AM 1/20/2017

The Russian generals could give some very interesting lectures to the West Point cadets . It could be a good learning experience in military diplomacy .  Gen. Shoigu : " War and Peace as the unitary dialectical concept in maintaining the balances of geopolitical forces in the modern multipolar world ."  Gen. Gerasimov : "The concept of the " hybrid war " (" Gerasimov doctrine ") and the principles of the modern warfare ."  Gen. Korobov : "The role of Military Intelligence in the modern practices of political decision making ."  The military aspects and approaches to the resolution of Syrian conflict could be discussed also.    Published on  1/18/17, 6:38 AM  Updated on:  6:16 AM 1/20/2017 ________________________________________

Tehran High-Rise Collapse: !آتش! آتش - Atash! Atash! - But! - The wrong Firefighters! | Iran Fire - Last Update: 5:24 AM 1/20/2017

Update: 5:24 AM 1/20/2017   (The emphasis as underlined below, is mine - M.N.):  Iran Fire   by Nasser Karimi / AP Friday January 20 th , 2017  at  4:56 AM World News Review 1 Share (TEHRAN, Iran) — Rescue teams worked through the night to try and reach trapped firefighters and other victims after a commercial building collapsed in Iran’s capital and killed at least 30 firefighters. Scores of workers and dozens of trucks were searching the ruins Friday, a day after a historic high-rise building in the heart of Tehran caught fire and later collapsed. The building was home to more than 500 garment and clothing workshops, their offices and warehouses, and was full of chemical materials, authorities said. Thursday’s disaster stunned the city and firefighters and others openly wept on the streets, holding each other for support. Dozens of people lined up to donate blood. “The smoke is a sign of continuation of the fi

The Operation "Ire"

The Operation " Ire "  or the story of the wise and bold King  A wicked man displays a bold face,  But as for the upright, he makes his way sure. Proverbs 21:29 "My heart is full of rage", said the King.  "You put my sailors on their knees and humiliated them and my country, just like you did so many times before. I do not need any pretext to start a war with you. However, being a Christian and merciful King, a servant of Hashem and his son, and a follower of their rules, I give you three days to offer your most sincere and deepest apologies, standing on your knees and prostrating yourselves before me. If you do not do this, you and your minions will be destroyed, imprisoned, and sold into slavery; your houses of governance and houses of worship will be reduced to rubble, your daughters will be raped and your sons will be castrated and made into my slaves, working in my fields."  He also gave the orders to his generals to conclude the n

News Reviews and Opinions: "Что день грядущий мне готовит? Его мой взор напр...

News Reviews and Opinions: "Что день грядущий мне готовит? Его мой взор напр... : "Что день грядущий мне готовит?  Его мой взор напрасно ловит..."  Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks and Tweets In Brie...

На отель в центре Италии обрушилась снежная лавина, передает Reuters: "Инцидент произошел в среду, 18 января. Лавина сошла на гостиницу «Риджопиано» в провинции Пескара региона Абруццо." Indeed!

The contours of the future Kurdish State   Commentary: Open secrets – and Trump’s wrath – will challenge new CIA chief Wednesday January 18 th , 2017  at  7:52 PM 1 Share 

 Signed in as  mikenova Share this story on NewsBlur Shared stories are on their way... Senate panel overwhelmingly approves Trump Pentagon pick Wednesday January 18 th , 2017  at  7:50 PM 1 Share 

 Signed in as  mikenova Share this story on NewsBlur Shared stories are on their way... Around 100,000 in Abruzzo without power - English - Very Imp-p-p-pressive! Wednesday January 18 th , 2017  at  7:40 PM 1 Share Questo sito utilizza cookie, anche di terze parti, a scopi pubblicitari e per migliorare servizi ed esperienza dei lettori. Per maggiori informazioni o negare il consenso, leggi l&