
1:13 PM 5/13/2017 - Comey, chaos crisis? Trump enters new territory after most explosive week yet

Comey, chaos … crisis? Trump enters new territory after most explosive week yet | US news | The Guardian AP News | The Standard Speaker | Comey’s firing is a gift to the FBI | New York Post File - In this March 29, 2017 file photo, FBI Director James Comey addresses the Intelligence and National Security Alliance Leadership Dinner in Alexandria, Va. Comey cut an unorthodox path as head ... - Google Search Trump says 'possible' FBI post filled by Friday | TheHill FBI chief sacking: 'Four to be interviewed' to replace Comey - BBC News US Treasury Department unit set to provide financial records in Trump-Russia investigation - Business Insider Trump: James Clapper said I have no Russia connections. Clapper: No I didn’t. - Vox Trump gives America a week like no other - Trump's war with Comey intensifies | TheHill After acting FBI boss breaks with Trump talking points, White House won’t confirm confidence in him trump and comey - Goog