
Ukrainian president says it is 'war' between his country and Russia

»   Ukrainian president says it is 'war' between his country and Russia after siege of police station seized by pro-Moscow troops ends in first fatalities of the conflict 13/04/14 15:00 from  the Mail online | News Ukraine's authorities have said they plan to launch a 'full-scale anti-terrorist operation' against pro-Russian separatist militants.

Bus crash investigation

Bus crash investigation will explore numerous safety factors FedEx driver's health, road conditions and safety standards of commercial vehicles among factors in I-5 bus crash to be probed.,0,1255276.story#ixzz2yhiXvjCa

M.N.: Danger! Flammable! He has a lot of gas! And he, "the gentleman", never reads "the other people's letters"... And he also knows very well what the "cats' paws" are...

"Как реализуется моя просьба, связанная с доведением до наших европейских партнёров, потребителей нашего газа, информации, письма..."  See also:  Putin And Meteorites: The Putin Doctrine And The Most Amazing Case Of Anti-Meteorism M.N.: Danger! Flammable! He has a lot of gas! And he, "the gentleman", never reads "the other people's letters"...  - «Вы достигли успеха в профессиональной деятельности, воплотили в жизнь свою мечту – создали уникальный, единственный в мире Театр кошек . Ваши постановки, отличающиеся новизной и оригинальностью творческого замысла, неизменно пользуются заинтересованным вниманием публики, а талант и удивительное мастерство «артистов» вызывают искреннее восхищение».  M.N.: And he also issued his admiration and approval of his "artists" performance. He knows very well what the " cats' paws " are... 

Bus Immediately Engulfed in Flames After Collision With FedEx Truck - ABC News

»   Bus Immediately Engulfed in Flames After Collision With FedEx Truck - ABC News 11/04/14 16:08 from  Top Stories - Google News ABC News Bus Immediately Engulfed in Flames After Collision With FedEx Truck ABC News A fiery bus crash that killed 10 people, including eight high school students, on a California freeway burst into flames almost immediately in a collis... »   At least 10 killed in California as truck collides with busload of students - Washington Post 11/04/14 14:48 from  Top Stories - Google News ABC News At least 10 killed in California as truck collides with busload of students Washington Post At least 10 people were killed and dozens more were injured after a bus carrying high school students collided with a FedEx semi-truck o... California Bus Crash - GS Victim in Deadly California Bus Crash Identified as College Recruiter - NBC Friday April 11 th , 2014  at  8:36 PM 1 Share Victim in Deadl...

11/04/14 17:04 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks: Stabbing Suspect’s Family Is ‘Like the Brady Bunch’ |

Mike Nova's Shared NewsLinks Review »   Stabbing Suspect’s Family Is ‘Like the Brady Bunch’ | 11/04/14 17:04 from  Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks mikenova shared this story from Comments on: Stabbing Suspect’s Family Is ‘Like the Brady Bunch’. Stabbing suspect Alex Hribal is a nice kid from a normal family, says his lawyer. “This is not a dysfunctional family,” Patrick... »   Заткнуть рот блогерам | Обзор | Статьи 11/04/14 11:05 from  Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks mikenova shared this story from Каспаров.Ru. "Они действительно решили блоги... »   "Альфа" отказалась штурмовать здания администрации в Харькове и в Донецке | В мире | Новости 11/04/14 11:02 from  Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks mikenova shared this story from Каспаров.Ru. Ранее сообщалось, что и.о. презид ... »   Крымские власти обещают закрепить права крымских татар отдельными законами | В мире | Новости 11/04/14 11:01 from  Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks mikenova shar...