
Put it on the radio: "Attribution: Israel: Mossad masking as GRU" - San Antonio officer shot to death during traffic stop | 115 dead as train derails in north India; some still trapped!!! - Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed!!!

I'm overwhelmed: so many words, so many men!  I've lost my gift of English speech! - А-а-а! Милиция! Насилуют!  - Ты чо, дурак, это же генералы!  - А, ну если генералы, то тогда можно и потерпеть.  А - а - а! Полегче, мусье генераль, we all know that you have an impressive piece of the excellent Russian equipment, - сказал Поезд,  The  Putna -Indore Express train...   The rest of the key words as underlined and in bold, according to your abilities to interpret.  Nice job, Yossi! Was Rizwan of any help?  Nice job, Rizwan! Was Yossi of any help?  Nice job all around!  _________________________________________________________ Indian Business Partners Hope to Exploit Their Ties to Donald Trump ___________________________________________ 115 dead as train derails in north India;  some still trapped The body of a victim lies buried amid the mangled remains of crashed ...

"I am your robot! Meh, eh, eh...": Tishe, tishe, tishe, malchishi-kibalchishi! - By Tom Jones, a marine adviser at Hampton Watercraft and Other Underwater Witchy Crafts Facilities

  dead fish   Thousands of dead fish cover New York canal – video Thousands of dead fish were seen on the surface of the Sh-inne-cock Canal in Southampton, New York, on Monday, after becoming trapped inside overnight. Tom Jones, a marine adviser at Hampton Watercraft, shot drone footage of the bizarre occurrence . It is believed the fish were chased into the canal by larger predatory fish and then became trapped inside when the canal shut early Monday morning. The fish eventually dispersed back into the bay when the canal opened later on Monday.  Sounds "fishy"!  Was this an act of God?    Or an act of "god"? Or some other act? Why does the dead fish rot from its head? Maybe, because it does not really need it anymore?  (From the book " The Art of War ", by General Pozdniy-Kher) a fish rots from the head down shakespeare :  Willy-boy knew what he was talking about: he had rich experience with ...