
In Search of Obama Doctrine - My definition: Speak softly to your foreign opponents and smash the heads of your domestic ones with the Big Stick (e.g. as in Menendez affair). | » Decoding the Obama Doctrine 09/04/15 16:38 from Mike Nova's Shared Newslinks

Iran and the Obama Doctrine -  NYT The Incredible Obama Doctrine - WSJ :  "Speak softly and claim to carry a big stick, which you have no intention of ever using."  Last weekend, with the ink on the Iran nuclear deal still being deciphered, the  Obama  Doctrine fell out of an interview between President Obama and Thomas Friedman of the  New York Times . “You asked about an Obama doctrine,” Mr. Obama said. “The doctrine is: We will engage, but we preserve all our capabilities.” Other Definitions ___________________________________ M.N.: My definition:  Speak softly to your foreign opponents and smash the heads of your domestic ones with the Big Stick (e.g. as in Menendez affair ) .  See Also:  Thursday, April 9, 2015 "One Love" - but no singing "Kumbaya" Doctrine or Obama in Jamaica: "Push it, push it some more..." and b.t.w., someone did shot the sheriff... ____________________________________

PR Journal: "One Love" - but no singing "Kumbaya" Doctrine or ...

PR Journal: "One Love" - but no singing "Kumbaya" Doctrine or ... : Bob Marley - One Love Uploaded on Apr 20, 2010 One love, One heart Let's get together and feel all right Hear the children cr...